We don't really want to help anyone. ... but for a certain... gift  offered in return ... we could synchronise even with a stranger  … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru  




I look at a reel with a lady ... trying to stop a car ... and get to her destination.

Cars are passing ... and nobody stops.

It's a story about a blonde beautiful lady ... which any man would want.

So ... the question which i dare to ask is ... why men didn't stop ... to take her where she needed?!

I mean ... first of all to help her.

It's a normal question about a human being ... which wants or not wants to help another human being.

Those men ...went anyway in that direction with the lady.

They consumed the same fuel ... till there.

It was ... a zero cost ... to help her.

But ... nobody wanted to stop.

Then ... the lady tries to show her beautiful legs ... but again cars didn't stoped.

And is funny cause ... only into the moment when she shows her ass ... a guy suddenly stops.


I am ... shocked.

The movie was done about .... 40-50 years ago ... and if we would repeat the experiment today .... we would probably see the same results.

So ... what can we actually conclude?!

Like idiots ... most certainly ... the first thing ... we realise and speak about ... is that today we have other types of cars.

And ... i laugh.

That beautiful blonde girl ... exists today also ... everywhere in the world.

The men ... also.

But the intension ... to really help if we don't get anything in return ... is not existing.

Maybe never existed ... at the human being.

Of course ... if things are clear ... and we know that we'll get something in return for our help ... our attitude can change.

Showing her ass ... made the dynamic of all ... change.


Funny ...

But ... a real case scenario.

... from nowadays ... but also from 50 years ago.

Maybe it is all a representation of using the power of our dark side ... and induce the illusion we'll pay for the help.

But ... why?!


Why can't we act ... as nice humans?!

Why we have to pay for being helped?!

Well ... i am a man.

I really know what a man wants.


And ... this blonde woman i am talking about ... knew that too.

So ... this is the level we are ... as humans.

We simply need to pay for all in life ... even if sometimes all is related with our dark side.

Maybe ... it's time to accept it.

This is ... how the humans are.



Download the book ”The dark side ... of the human being

philosophical & spiritual essayswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.



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